Garmin Tech Support replied to my email cry for help. Step one was to download the latest version of the software for the unit and reinstall it. How was I going to reinstall the software you ask, seeing how the unit won’t fully boot up?
The way they told me to start the GPSr was a lot easier then those four fingered web variations from the other day. They gave me the secret handshake. Press and hold the toggle stick (think mini joystick or more like IBM laptop TrackPoint button) in the up position and power on the unit. You have to keep holding the stick up, double click the updater program on the PC and hold on while the software loads. I tried to load the software three times (just in case I wasn’t holding my tongue right) and all 3 times the process went something like this: erasing, loading, erasing and loading a second time, error message.
I replied to the email with my failure status and now await further instructions. Probably have to box it up and mail it back, I just hope they don’t require the original box, I can’t find it. And I usually keep everything, I mean I have the box this Dell PC came in six years ago…
Today’s title came from a piece of email we received from a friend today, it had been forwarded 16 other times before being forwarded to us.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 376