For the few of you who comment here, you now have your very own fancy image to go next to your pithy sayings. No longer are you stuck with that dull and boring Mystery Man.
Built into WordPress is support for a various computer generated images based on your email address. There were several options to choose from like Indenticons or MonsterIDs, but I chose Wavatars.
If you are unhappy with the Wavatar associated with your email you can file a protest with the Commissioner’s Office or get yourself a Gravatar. Gravatars don’t cost a nickel and you can use any kind of image as long as it will look good small and square. And it shows up other places too.
Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 298
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 298
had to see my fancy image
It’s just like looking in a mirror.