About a year and a half ago a friend, about the only I keep in contact with (if by contact you count exchanging Christmas cards*) asked me to check out his new Facebook page. Turns out to see anything on anyone’s Facebook page you have to join. So join I did. I looked at his page.
*Actually it is more like our wives sharing cards.
My page just sat there until a month or so ago when a couple of wives from the Miata Club decided to get an FB page. We became “friends.” Then a CD Swapper from like a half dozen years ago sends a friends request. She is followed in short order by someone who I may or may not remember from high school, Donna’s globetrotting State Department operative and her youngest brother.
I need the Facebook For Dummies book*. My “wall” is filled with constant patter of my new friends and photos and games? and gifts? and what all. But the only time I look at my wall (or anybody else’s wall for that matter) is when I get a friend request.
*When I typed that I have no idea if there actually was such a book. I suspected there was because there is a book in the ‘for Dummies’ series for everything. Probably one called Scratching Your Ass for Dummies (but I ain’t looking on Amazon for that one.) Well, sure enough there is one.
So I’m not much of a FB friend other than I’m a sucker to be people’s friends thereby helping them inflate their friend count giving them a greater sense of being popular. Every time I do log in to Facebook I get a string of people who I should be friends with, but I don’t know any of them (and the ones with slightly familiar names invariably don’t have a photo so how can I tell if I know them.)
Tonight I got one from Mr. Eyepulp himself, Andrew Hughes. Andrew is a fellow Miata owner and he blogs too. His blog post are sporadic, but that is fine because when he does post it is worth the read. Unlike here where I post everyday because I like the sound of my typing. I recognized his name and his photo, so I became Andrew’s newest friend. So I went to Andrew’s page and I was his third friend (which I consider a great honor considering we haven’t actually met in person) and he is so new, his little progress bar was barely filled in from the left.*
*Of course it might fill in from the right and Andrew is making great strides in his quest to be a Facebook Maven, I just don’t know. If only there was a book that explained things.
So good luck with conquering Facebook Andrew, I hope my being your friend helps you fill your progress bar. I’ll check back up on you next time someone asks me to be their friend. I will still check the blog regular like…
Oh, yeah, the friend who got me to join just to look at his page, he bailed, took his page down. Rat Bastard.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 275
When you are really bored, you go to Facebook to play GAMES!! Its like a combination of Twitter and Myspace only less obnoxious than both. I enjoy the site.
It really doesn’t suit me. I got another invite tonight and more suggestions, some of them I actually do know, but I won’t ask them because then I would feel obligated to actually use FB and tack stuff on their wall…