1429 miles from home (as the crow flies.)
Jackalopes appear to be bigger than either jack rabbit or antelope. Unfortunately we weren’t here during their hunting season, June 31st between midnight and 2:00 AM, or I would tried to bag one.
Don’t ever rent a car from Dollar Rent A Car in Denver. Very slow counter service, I was eighth in line and it took nearly an hour. To amuse herself while I waited, Donna called the 1-800 number for the company and complained.
There are cattle gates at all the interstate entrances.
I-25 in Colorado is straight as an arrow, but when you get to Wyoming it starts to have a bend or two every 5 miles or so.
I think they need a census recount in Chugwater, WY. The sign on the way into town said there are 244 residents, but when we drove through it didn’t seem like anyone was home.
We found 4 caches along the way from Denver to Douglas as excuses to stretch our legs.
Hows the weather?