The other day I hunted up some scrap valve parts to put in the hundreds of caches we were going find because this ‘sport’ < sarcasm on > seems so easy. < sarcasm off > Well, what I thought was cool, my geocaching partner, who incidentally found the only one we have found so far, after I had given up, thought it was crap.
Back to the drawing board.* Master machinist and follow LOST devotee Mark (Hi Mark) had an idea, there were these little aluminum slugs that were in the same scrap bin, he could engrave something cool on it using one of our CNC machines.
*I love saying that, me being a draftsman and all, because I actually used to literally have go back to the drawing board.
Behold our new Signature Item – names on one side, the coordinates of downtown Aiken on the other:
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 126
those are the coordinates to THE ISLAND
Very cool. Now how much company resources did you use to create this?
Mark – Those are the coordinates of where THE ISLAND was, it has moved on in space and time. To find it now you are going to need one of those giant pendulums.
Randy – Don’t worry, not enough to cause any increase in your next ASCO Red Hat solenoid valve purchase.