Although originating in Star Trek, the term “redshirt” has been used in commentary on other action adventure stories, particularly serialized television. As a plot device, redshirts are most commonly used on shows which focus on characters who are prominent members of a larger group. In terms of plot function, redshirts serve to highlight the danger of a situation without forcing writers to sacrifice lead characters.
February is National Heart Month and this coming Friday is Wear Red Day 2009 to support the fight against heart disease in women.
For whatever convoluted reason our company nurse decided to pass around a memo last week to try and get everyone to wear red today, Monday, February 2nd and in spite of what happened to Frogurt while wearing a red shirt in last week’s episode of TDTVS…
…I took my life into my hands and wore a red sweater to work today. Obviously because I am home sitting on the couch in a yellow shirt, nothing bad happened to me on today’s “away mission.”
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 106
Wasn’t there some kind of Star Trek spoof, where a guy ran around crying about wearing a red shirt and not even having a name?
I wore my red shirt today. No particular reason. I still have two plane rides before I get home, I hope the redshirt wasn’t a prediction….
Sounds like a SNL skit….but I don’t remember ever seeing that.
My redshirt yesterday didn’t jinx me too bad. I was delayed in Cincinatti due to snow & de-icing. While I hate the delay, if they need to de-ice or just think it might help, I’m all for it. I’d rather be home a couple hours late than in a box.