Today is Alex Ringer’s birthday. Who is Alex Ringer you might ask, I’m not rightly sure. I get a email invite from him each year to take an Enchanted Ceiling photo on the 17th of February and upload it. He also sends me a reminder at the end of December to take a photo on the last day of the year and then on the first day for submission to the Enchanted Ceiling site too and like the lemming I am I do. Above is my 2009 birthday photo for him.
Uh oh, look at the category for this post. That’s right somehow we have been sucked into this cult. While we did manage to agree not to go to the local geocaching “club” meeting last night, today I spent several minutes poking around in the company’s scrap bins looking for small valve parts to leave in the caches that we do find (instead of green lifesavers) and Donna is already declared that we are going to find at least 10 caches when we go on vacation to the American Southwest in April. The MMC has a breakfast meeting in Waynesboro, GA this Saturday and I spent a half an hour tonight downloading coordinates of the four caches near there into the GPS and printing out the instruction pages for them.
Well, were almost done photographing all the Post Offices in South Carolina…
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 123