We had the afternoon off from work and it was a perfect winter day, sunny and in the upper 50s, so instead of napping on the couch, we went for a 3 mile or so walk in Hitchcock Woods.
Donna and I always kid about how much traffic there is in the 2000+ acres of forest because often we will encounter up to a half dozen people, horses, dogs or any combination there of over the course of our couple hours in there. Today was a first, we saw a truck. Not just any truck, but the Hitchcock Woods Foundation’s truck and it was probably on official business because it was being driven by the Wood’s Superintendent Bennett Tucker.
How did I know who was driving? Because he came up and introduced himself in the parking lot as Donna and I were throwing on our backpacks in preparation for going on the hike. Actually he pulled up and asked, “Are you Brian the Red?” Seems he has an RSS feed setup, so that when the Woods gets a mention on the interweb, he gets notified of it (Hi Bennett.) He remembered the domain name mr-miata.net and we were standing near a Miata, so he took a chance.
As it happened, riding shotgun in Bennett’s pickup, was a woman who lives in Washington DC and she has a Miata too.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 97
Wow! I’m impressed! No one ever walks up to me and says “are you a voice wandering?”