Saturday dawned foggy with a threat of rain and even with a splotch of green on the radar barreling down on our little town, Donna and I went for a walk in Hitchcock Woods. In deference to the verdant pixels on the Weather Channel site we packed small umbrellas and waterproof jackets. Halfway through the walk (of course it was halfway, momma didn’t raise no fools,…) it indeed started to lightly rain (…we know enough to come out of the rain), so we donned our jackets and turned around. Fortunately it has been a mild winter so hypothermia did not set in.
The title of this post is “A Day Late” because I’m writing it on Sunday, but I will date it late on Saturday, because when we got home last night it was too late for me to think about doing it then. The mild winter came into play then as well because the clouds and fog kept the temperature in the upper 50’s even at eleven o’clock at night, so we got to drive home from Augusta after dinner out with friends with top down.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 91
you are doing good
I got a bunch of them and I plan on keeping it up until SWMBO says stop.