Going Green

No, this is not another Boston Celtics post.

When I went out to get the Sunday paper today, instead of getting into the car and driving the mile or so to the Qwik-e-Mart, I rode my bicycle.

Matter of fact, no petrochemicals were used at all today as the Emperor never left the garage.

Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 215

Jumping on the Duck Boat

Celtics Woohoo!

I have to admit that I didn’t watch any of the playoff games all the way through — they were on too late. OK, now that you ask in that manner — I didn’t watch much more than bits and pieces and probably never finished a whole quarter all the way through. But go Celtics. NBA Champs. You rock!

Maybe it is more of a re boarding of the bandwagon. As I said the other day, I grew up in New England, so my natural sport team allegiances were to those from Boston. Growing up my mom would not spring for the more expensive Converse All-Stars (after all, I was just going to tear them up), so I always wore Bob Cousy sneakers from the local discount store (they did have a cool Celtic green sole though.) With the first paycheck from my first job I went out and spent $20 on a pair of high top black canvas Converse All-Star sneakers and tossed the nine dollar Cousy’s aside. But it was too late, some of the green of the soles from those discount sneakers through osmosis had entered into my bloodstream.

I bought one of those shiny Starter jackets, back when if you wore something like that gang members might rob you and take the coat, but leave your wallet (somewhere in the early eighties.) Celtic life was good then; Parish, Bird, Mchale, DJ and Danny Ainge. While living in New Orleans in 1985 we even went to a Celtics – Atlanta Hawk game at the then new Lakefront Arena to see those guys play. Larry Bird scored a team record 60 points (just nine days after Kevin Mchale scored 56 to take the record from Larry) that still stands 23 years later. The Glory Days.

When that core group hung up their short shorts and knees socks, the Celtics and my fanhood faded. I still kept my eye on the scores and standings, but couldn’t name a player. Last year they totally stunk up the league with a record of 24-58. Then a couple of guys from the old fab five, in the off-season, had a hand in forming this years championship team. Minnesota traded 2004 league MVP Kevin Garnett to Boston and things started to come together. Minnesota’s General Manager? Kevin Mchale. Boston’s GM? Danny Ainge. Thanks guys.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 211

Move Along, Nothing Here To See









Started up, went down, back up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 210

PC to Video EZ

Besides the Blue Sun Travel Posters I bought with my scrap of the Economic Stimulus Payment, I also purchased a Grantec PC to Video EZ. Both items arrived today. I had just enough time to run a trial of the Video EZ on the small TV before getting called to dinner.

My initial verdict is it seemed OK for video, but it sucked for text, so surfing the web is a blurry affair. Tomorrow I’ll hook it up the the big TV in the living room and do a more in depth check there. Don’t know when we will use it in the near future though, as we still have 4-1/2 discs of House: Season 3 to watch, 4 more episodes of Due South on Disc 1 of Season 1 that arrived in a red envelope today and there is a Netflix movie that will be here tomorrow.

Started up, went down, back up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 207