Episode 58 of 82 is jammed full of excitement on-island. Hurley whoops up on Sawyer in a game of ping pong and because he lost he can’t use his trademark nicknames when talking to or about the rest of the survivors. Elsewhere a cowbell leads Sayid, Kate and Locke to a new Dharma station, the Flame. The Flame is run by the man with an eye patch, Mikhail and we get Sayid shot in the arm, fist fights between Mikhail and Sayid, Kate and an Other, Ms. Klugh, in the basement, Locke playing chess aganst a coupter and finally a giant ass explosion.
The off island Sayid flashback seemed almost an afterthought to add drama and plot to the on island shenanigans at the Flame Station with some help from a creepy cat.