We walked back over to see the balloons fly again this morning (more pictures.)
After the skies cleared they held some equestrian type stuff, go figure, the event is called Ford Trucks Equestrian America Balloon Festival. We stayed a while to watch our neighbor and another member of the Aiken Pony Club do a musical dressage demonstration. They did a 5 minute walk, trot, canter, etc. in sync inside a small ring set up to the music from TDPM.
Coincidentally I got to watch the last 15 minutes of that movie on USA after the FRS beat the Blue Jays on TBS that segued into a House marathon, which I have been glued to ever since. If you like House like I like House check out Medical Reviews of House on Polite Dissent. The fellow is a doctor which gives him a very unique slant on the show. Don’t forget to read the comments as they are almost as good and at times even better.
Just like us, the Emperor took the day off.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 360
You might want to recheck the title on this one.
?Synchronized Horeback Riding?
Ooops! Thanks for catching that.