What makes Visa think that a skit that was funny once, maybe twice, on Saturday Night Live a couple of decades ago would make a good commercial spokesman?
I’m thinking that I need to start an auto insurance company because there sure are a lot of them in the business and they all seem to be advertising heavily.
I’m watching Season 5: Episode 1 of House on regular TV and I thinking there must be some correlation between House viewers and movie goers as we are just past halfway through and that was the 5th upcoming movie promo commercial.
For the record, I didn’t really enjoy the Victoria’s Secret commercial either.
Started up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 358
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 358
Yep, I hate those Victoria’s Secret commercials too. I even suggested that my wife and I go into the store to tell them how much I hate the commercials.
The other night at dinner, the waitress had a tatoo in a rather risque place. I told my wife that I could believe it and I was trying to make sure I knew what it said (she didn’t believe me)