House of the Rising Sun

Season 1 Episode 6 and at first glance the title seems all wrong because Sun & Jin are Korean not Japanese, but after watching it through you realize the word Sun is not for the center of our solar system, it is for the character of Sun. It showed us someone who has seemed meek in the first 5 episodes is actually a woman of surprises and quiet power.

Tonight I discovered that I can not count. That’s not entirely true, I can count, I just should learn to start at one like most folks, not zero. I have finished cropping and tweaking this weekend’s Post Office photos (no snappy captions just yet) and when I uploaded them to the gallery I noticed that they filled the whole page, which is 4 columns of 6 rows. When we laid out a plan in which order we wanted to do Saturday’s POs we started numbering at 1 and worked our way up. No problem. When we got home and I filled out the Sunday POs on the map, I started right where I left off on Saturday and ended at 23. This is why I said twenty three yesterday. I forgot that we actually snagged a Post Office (Number Zero) on the way to the beach on Friday.

Hey wait a minute, one of the famous LOST numbers is 23, coincidence, I don’t think so…

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 370


Episode #4. On the island Locke, the great white hunter, kills a boar and pre-crash, off the island, we see he was a loser in a wheel chair. At one point he is talking on the phone to a woman named Helen who we are led to believe he has a relationship with, but it turns out she is a phone sex operator who John is paying just to talk to. Later on in the series, his back story shows that he does end up in a real relationship with someone named Helen, who I don’t think was a phone sex worker. If it turns out she was I’ll be sure to let you know.

Tuesday night I needed to collect something from friends, when I called to see if I could come get it, I got their answering machine, so I said call me back if it is not too late. Of course they called back in the middle of this weeks new episode of House. I asked if it could wait a half hour. When I did go over after the show they asked how it was. They are fans of the show, but in DVD form because there never seems enough time to see it in real time. I told them that I didn’t enjoy it as much as a lot of the other episodes. I couldn’t put my finger on an exact reason though. I wasn’t until the next day when I read Polite Dissent’s review. Here is the first line:

This was not so much an episode of House as it was a parody of an episode of House – and a parody which seemed to be written by someone who’s heard about the show, but never actually seen it.

If you are like me and can’t figure out why you didn’t enjoy the show, read the rest of the review.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 361