Sunday nights from 6 PM until whenever, Bravo runs a Law & Order: Criminal Intent mini-marathon and I like to watch the repeats of older shows until 9 PM when USA runs a new episode. The original L & O is still the best (although sometimes their twists at the end stretch credibility), occasionally L & O:SVU leaves me feeling like a voyeuristic pervert, but L & O:CI is a guilty pleasure with Goren, it’s quirky lead detective and Eames his sneaky hot partner poking and prying until they get to the bottom of the crime.
I’m sure because of contractual obligations Bravo only gets to show certain seasons of the show, so nearly all the time I will recognize the episode as one I’ve seen and watch it again anyway. Sometimes I get real lucky and I won’t have seen it for a while, meaning I have forgotten who the killer is, so the show is a real treat. Rarely, I will stumble on an episode I haven’t ever seen at all before. Tonight at 7 o’clock that happened and it was exciting.
At ten minutes after seven my wife came into the living room and asked if she could have the TV, the Olympics were on and there was going to be swimming, diving and gymnastics tonight. I said, “Sure, go ahead.” That my friends is love.
When it turns out they were showing synchronized diving right then I didn’t make her turn it back to L & O:CI. That my friends is true love.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 288
The original is definitely the best. Seems like later they got more gorey and showed more blood and dismemberments.
Criminal Intent with Goren is good. Not too impressed with the guy from the other L&O making time with the “sneaky hot partner”.
SUV (oops, SVU) sometimes is just sick.
Another favorite is CSI. The original is good, challenges the mind. Miami is good when Emily Proctor walks around. And if she shoots her gun, wow, hold me back. But the NY version has too many yankees in it. I can’t stand that accent. (Although Montana is pretty hot).
While Jerry Orbach’s Lennie Briscoe will always be the best detective on the original show, I really did like Dennis Farina when he stepped in after Jerry left.
I have never watched an episode of any variation of CSI, but I don’t rule out ever watching them sometime in the future. Emily Proctor – I liked her smart Republican lawyer on West Wing.