Our company auctions off excess stuff that no longer efficiently serves us in the furtherance of our lofty goals of solenoid valve manufacturing. Usually it is crap, so I pay no attention to the auctions, like the one that ended this morning.
Until I noticed something that didn’t even get one stinking bid, Item#2 – 3 frames. I went out to the red tag area (what they call the section when the items for these auctions sit) and saw that the frames were the typical black aluminum filled with motivational posters.
Do Not fear the winds of adversity.
Remember that a kite rises against the wind, not with it.
The best thing was that they were more than big enough for my coveted Blue Sun Travel Posters. The frames are 24 x 30 and the posters are 17 x 22 so I could put 3-1/2 to 4 inch matting around three of the posters to make them fit. We have a big blank wall in the hallway where they will look great. The other two would probably end up on my wall at work.
I went into HR and asked if it was too late to place a bid on an item that had received none. It was not. I guess technically I could have bid 50¢, but that would have made me seem vulture-ish, so I offered them what I would have if I was going to actually bid on them – $5. I am now the proud owner of three motivational posters in black aluminum frames.
So tonight I bought some fiction travel posters.
For future reference, a 24 x 30 picture will not fit in the trunk of a Miata. It will not even go inside one if the top is up. It will ride nicely behind the seats sticking out at an angle over the trunk. The framed art would probably even add a bit of down force at speed. I didn’t try that out though as we had no way to secure it down and ended driving home like your grandmother.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 200
I know that this has nothing at all to do with your posting but I ran across this site tonight…
and I wanted to warn Gnorm to be careful…