We went to Booklovers today and I picked up five new reads. It is hard to pick out books, seems like I’ve read them all already, or maybe it is because the three paragraph blurb on the back on all of them sound exactly the same, there must be one guy writing them all. Kind of like that Movie Announcer Guy. To make it easier next time, I’m bringing a list.
In past years I’ve given a blow by blow accounting of my Girl Scout Cookie consumption, this year it will be different. I am letting you know that 14 boxes were delivered to our door today. I will mention them again just one more time, when the last cookie is gone. On a sad note, this year they are not selling Lemon Coolers. They have been replaced by Lemon Chalet Cremes and while I’m sure these are a fine snack, to me they will pale in comparison to the Coolers.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 48
I ate one of those Lemon Chalet Cremes last week and it was the best damn cookie I have ever had. And having fallen off the wagon at that point I went ahead and had a couple of the Thin Mints.
A few weeks without sugar makes anything sweet taste good. Therefore you may assume that my review is biased.
The lemon flavor is a wee too intense-sweet for for me, but I have had no trouble eating the three Donna puts in my lunch each day.