Forgive me if I can’t remember which magazine it was in, the latest editions of both Automobile and Motor Trend landed on my desk this morning, but there were some photos of several near totally un-camouflaged Porsche Panameras. The four-seat, four-door sport coupe, that is supposed to be on sale next year as a 2010 model was out doing high speed testing. If they were parked along the side of the road in the pictures how did we know they were out high speed testing you ask? Because each car was sporting on both front and rear bumpers a bright yellow sticker:
Get yours here: Government Approved High Speed Testing Vehicle Bumper Sticker
Oh, yeah, IE users you should be able to change the theme back to Brian’s Red if you want to.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 27
I bet I could get a few laughs if I put one of those bumper stickers on the 91 Chevy Beretta. I bet I might even stop traffic!
If you were actually speeding, it might get you out of a ticket….once.