For the 4th time in 3 months a disc we have rented from Netflix has not been available at our local distribution center. The British detective show, I can understand not being real popular in SC, and having to come from Chicago, but House, season one disc three? Discs 1 & 2 came from Columbia, how come #3 wasn’t there? I bet #4, 5 & 6 will be there.
Even though Netflix has lost a 2004 class action lawsuit for throttling (with legal feet dragging it is still not settled), I have no real recourse because they changed their user agreement to allow high volume renters to be “smoothed.”
What is really galling is the fact that when a disc is “not available” at my local distribution center they have to wait a full day before it can be shipped from the next closest center. Isn’t this all done via computer? Netflix knows what I want next, how long should it take them to get the word out? I kinda figure email would be pretty much instantaneous…
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 26
We have House Season 2, and you can borrow it if you’d like.
When we get done with Season 1 we may take you up on that offer.