I’ve been Simpsonized!
My Lost discs that I bid victoriously for on eBay will be mailed on Monday. They are coming from West By God Virginia so they should be here by Thursday.
This morning we finally raked up the last of the dead leaves out of the backyard. We had ignored the backyard all fall, always keeping the front neat, until earlier this week when we got half of it cleaned up and piled in front of the house for the city to pick on Thursday. Now the rest will get picked up this coming Tuesday. Thats right, more big news from around here, our trash pickup day has been moved from Thursday to Tuesday.
When we went to Subway for lunch the temperature was 49°, but because it was a short ride we kept the top down. When we stepped outside after eating and sitting a bit it felt cold so we put the top up for the ride home. At home I checked the temperature and it read 51°, go figure.
A little link action. Last night while blog surfing I stumbled on another blogger with a Miata, er MX-5 and added a link to his site. Welcome Mike who is apparently notoriously nice and from what I’ve read so far he has been nice. I also, with great sadness, removed long time read, Will Burnham Down The House. After 5 years he is closing down his blog. Too bad, will had an interesting life and an interesting take on it. Today a fellow Club member wrote asking if I had any clip art depicting a woman or girl in a Miata. She was thinking of making her own stationary. And while I could have sworn I’d seen something almost exactly like that in the past, an internet search didn’t turn it up. It did turn up a couple more bloggers with Miatas that have been added to the blog roll in the sidebar. Welcome Jon (jcm’s blog) and Ralph (Van City Blue Miata.)
It also turned up a couple oddities — a female impersonator named Miata, a whole website dedicated to sexily dressed women getting their cars stuck in the mud (video 029 has a Miata) and a Miata Art Car.
I’m thinking of buying this T-shirt, but wished it came in something other than crap brown
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 13
Brian, After seeing you as a Simpson, I couldn’t help but send you a link to the Simpson version of me (I also did a lil’ customizing and added the miata shirt to my “‘toon me”.
I tried to simpsonize myself. The first four pictures I uploaded, it couldn’t find me even though I was right smack in the middle. The picture didn’t break the camera so it couldn’t have been that bad. Once I did finally get one to work, it ended up looking not like me, but like a guy I know who I would prefer not to spend time with. Damn thing must be broken.
CT – I did a full figure image too, with the though of photoshopping my toon self into a photo with the Miata, but couldn’t get the proportions right. I wonder how Matt Groening would draw a Miata.
Rick – I guess you can kiss that Simpson’s cameo goodbye…
This was the closest that I could find on the Groening Miata…it’s pretty close though:
Miata? in the Simpsons
CT – I shortened your URL, it was running way off to the right, still points to the same place.
Looks kinda like a first generation Miata with a hardtop…
And by the way, thanks for that link. The IMDB (internet movie database) and the CNDB (celebrity nude database) are a couple of my favorite movie info sites and now I can add a third, the IMCDB (internet movie cars database.)