He said he was going to put Season 1 Disc 1 in his Netflix queue to see what I was so hooked on that I would spend two whole days anchored to the couch watching.
Disc 1 arrived Tuesday night, Mark and his wife are now totally Lost. Wednesday morning at work he cussed me out for getting him hooked on the show. The first 4 episodes were just enough to get them addicted and now he couldn’t concentrate on work, all he could think about was watching more. A junkie jonesin’ for a fix. I was slightly jealous as I remember that feeling.
Wednesday he stopped at a video rental place on the way home and gets the 5 discs left of Season 1 causing him to stay up way past his bedtime watching episodes 5 through 16. Right now Mark and his wife are probably finishing up Season 1. On his way home from work today he was going to stop and get Season 2 for Saturday. Right after saying that he said, “Nope, probably won’t wait that long, Friday night.” I’m betting they may start Season 2 tonight…
Mark didn’t think the video place has Season 2 for rent, but he did see them in the used DVD bin for sale. He figures even if he buys them for $5 bucks each ($30 total) he can recoup his losses by selling the set on eBay after watching them.
This led to a quick check of eBay to see how much a season of Lost was going for — $25-30. Hey, here’s an auction Season 1 that ends in forty minutes with a high bid of $16.49. I said I’d pay that much for it. Mark goaded me on, so I bid $17. Wouldn’t you know it, I won, so now I have Season 1 of Lost on the way for rewatching.
Maybe I’ll pay Mark $20 for Season 2 if he ends up buying it…
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 8
One disc left on season 1, damn show is killing me.
I need another fix.
It was a relief when we finally finished all the episodes. How many times did I say “Just one more tonight” and stay up too late. We even got the kids hooked on it. Now I need a fix badly. Soon.
Bad Robot!
First run episodes start on the 31st, but I can’t watch ’em with commercials. Although I may start this season. I hear they only have 8 of 16 planned episodes finished and if the writers strike continues much longer those 8 might be all we get for Season 4.