Because I’ve pretty much stopped watching network television all together I was blissfully ignorant of the phenomenon. When the first season came out on DVD and after hearing people at work talk a bit about it, we opted to give it try. Dumped disc one in the Netflix queue. Oh. Man.
I resisted trying to join Season two in mid stride. Donna attempted to watch S2E12, but couldn’t pull it off because of the commercials. We bided our time. Seven months later Season 2 DVDs arrived and we spent a weekend gorging ourselves, watching it all.
When Season 3 hit the airwaves we just ignored it, vowing to only watch the show on DVD. When they did arrive in stores, we went to the local video store, rented and then watched the whole season in one fell swoop, two days, a Friday and Saturday.
I think that is when the banana peel slipped out from under us. We bought Season 1 on DVD to rewatch. When we finished that, we bought Season 2 and watched it again. Season 3 is in the mail to us right now. I’ve created a separate post category for it. There is now even a link category in the sidebar.
But tonight I did something I vowed not to do, I watched it as it was broadcast on ABC. I wonder if there is a support group at Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute for people like me?
The only thing I have going for me right now is I still haven’t bought a shirt.
But my resolve is weakening…
That Damn TeleVision Show
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/08: 21
Ok what are the other others after?
Jack. Somebody real important needs back surgery….
I don’t have a clue.