Fake It ‘Til You Make It or making an High Dynamic Range (HDR) image from just one exposure. I have been playing with three different programs for creating HDR images and one of them, Dynamic Photo has a way to FITYMI, so I gave it a try. I used a recent Post Office picture that really could have benifited from the process, but I didn’t take the three required exposure.

Original Exposure The original exposure with the camera set on auto.
Tweaked The photo after post-processing in Paint Shop Pro.
Faux HDR FITYMI using Dynamic Photo.

In my unscientific selection process I’m leaning towards getting the Dynamic Photo software for a couple of reasons, one of which is this ability to fake an HDR image from one picture, the other is the cost $39. I need to try a real test image first — the same scene shot with 3 exposures 2EV apart — before taking the plunge.

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 482

Blogging Avoidance

There is nothing here because I was too busy doing other really important things instead of writing a post. Like:

  1. Reading other blogs
  2. Thinking about balancing the checkbook.
  3. Trying to find a picture to use for the Tuesday Challenge of History
  4. Squashing urban myths mailed to me by relatives.
  5. Celebrating the re-signing of Mike Lowell.
  6. Selecting several chick flicks for viewing over the 4-day weekend.
  7. Updating my list of movies rented from Netflix.
  8. Writing a list of things I’m doing instead of blogging.
  9. Miscellaneous things relating to national security that I can’t talk about.
Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 482

Auto Focus?

FuzzyDid ya know that pointing your camera directly at the sun can make it go all out of focus? Neither did I, until yesterday. I kind of like the effect, even if it does look like I forgot to focus. That’s the Hardeeville Post Office if you are curious. Worked fine for the sunrise…

Never did walk on the beach this weekend. Jaded?

Got up this morning and drove right home. There are no more post offices that could be remotely considered on the way anymore.

Started up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 482