…The Russians Are Coming The Russians Are Coming.
Walt Whittaker: Look, can I give you some advice? You’ll never make it down to the harbor. Why don’t you all give yourselves up? Either you’ll kill somebody, or you’ll get killed. Either way – you could start a war!
Lieutenant Rozanov: What is your name?
Walt Whittaker: Whittaker. Walt …
Lieutenant Rozanov: Remark to this, Whittaker Walt. We must have boat. Even now may be too late. This is your island, I make your responsibility you help us get boat quickly, otherwise there is World War III, and everybody is blaming YOU!
Cute little Cold War parable from 1966. Very funny in spots and kind of lame (in 60’s sort of way), but we watched the whole darn thing on TCM tonight which is more than I can say or a lot of the newer movies I’ve been getting from Netflix lately.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 470
Cool movie – we watched it, too. I thought the intro with Chris Elliot was pretty good, as well.
I’m not a big fan of the actor Chris Elliot, but he seems like a great guy. And his movie choices were pretty good too.