We have hung around the house the last two weekends and couldn’t stand it anymore, we made some reservations in Anderson for Saturday night. We have two missions, 1) to take pictures of the last 8 Post Offices in the northwest corner of the state and 2) check for fall colors in advance of next weekend’s visit from the Florida branch of Donna’s family.
We have photographed 290, leaving us 170 to go. Of the 170, I have printed out 131 maps and of those I have placed 86 on the Google map below.
I may go back and add all the Post Offices I have done and use a different color icon. I would definitely do it if I could link to my Flickr images (seeing as Flickr has me cut off at 200 on their map.) here are a couple of Flickr add-ons to the map, but not one that would limit it to just my photos…
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 440
What are you going to do when you finally run out of post offices?
Couldn’t you link to flickr by using a unique naming convention and searching the flickr add-in for google maps on those names?
When I used the flickr add-in, I came up with several of your photos on Google maps that you did not add to your map.
We are thinking of maybe doing Georgia…after all we are up against the west side of SC and we are therefore right next to the east side of that state.
Are you using the Flickr Photo Mapplet? It lets you search for tags and I can narrow down the results by using ‘Miata’ or ‘Post Office’ but photos by other with the same tags get added too.
The reason that those photos aren’t on the map is that, for now, those are just the ones I haven’t got.
Yes, I was using that mapplet. That’s why I suggested having a unique naming convention that would only pull your photos. A bit of effort, but then you could show them all on the map.
Actually, when I search on “post office miata”, I get 290 results. That matched what you say that you have tagged in Flickr. I just need to ensure that the area that is being mapped (based on zoom level) covers the entire state of SC.
290 is it. If you use > “post office” miata < you can show the whole world and only come up with my 290. Makes it hard to pick out individual photos though. 🙂
I wonder if Guinness has a world record for most post offices visited and photographed in a Miata.