We stopped in Lexington, VA to take a leg stretch. We used to have someone to visit when we came to town, but now that the Lewis clan has pretty much scattered, we were left to our own devices. So we decided to do the Sally Lewis Loop Walk, about 2 miles around the outside, then through the middle of the campuses of VMI and W&L.
Couldn’t hardly stand the traffic I-81 any longer when a warning sign let us know the right lane was closed at mile marker 127. We ducked off the Interstate at Exit 132, following US11 into Christianburg before turning south on VA8 to pick up another stretch of the Blue Ridge Parkway. With today’s 34 mile segment it meant that we had driven a total of 220 miles out of the possible 469.
I-77 was just as busy as 81 and once you got about 40 miles north of Charlotte the road surface started to reflect the heavy usage by becoming very rough and potholed. Making us very happy to get on a secondary road east to make it to our overnight stop destination. we probably could have made it all the way home tonight, but decided to stop here in Concord, so that when we get up early tomorrow morning, we can ride home with the top down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 259
Hey, you vagabond! What are you doing in Lexington without me to guide you and keep you out of mischief? And what does the “Sally Lewis Loop Walk” look like? Is it sort of a loopy, disoriented stagger? Or is it more like the “Richard Lewis Waddle Walk?” Anyway, the Lewises cherish the many wonderful visits D&B made to Lexington while we lived there and am glad you guys still like to sojourn in that beautiful town when you can. Come see me in Richmond!
We were just thinking of you, wondering just how much pull you have in the state government if you can get them to name a large stretch of I-81 after your Great Great Great Grandfather Andrew…
So, do you troll the web looking for references to Lexington to see if your tourism campaigns are working or are you a lurker that reads every day because you want to live my exciting life vicariously through the blog?