Yes again. At 5:00 PM eastern time on the USA Network TDPM was broadcast and I watched the whole thing. This makes about 2 dozen viewings of Dead Man’s Chest. I’ve seen the second movie twice, once in the theater and once at home on DVD. In spite of the pan & scan, in spite of the editing, in spite of the commercial interruptions the first is far superior to the second. I haven’t seen the third yet and will probably rent it when it comes out, but I’m betting it won’t top the original either.
Take 8 days off and you forget. We went out to breakfast yesterday and I didn’t write in the post, so here is the wrap-up and I’ll try not to do it again. Toasted bagel with cream cheese for her and a cranberry pecan muffin for me. Donna drank a hot chocolate and I had water.
Tip Jar: 25¢
Spent Today: $4.00
Year to Date: $1155.30
Meals out, 64 of a possible 465.
Remember meals out on vacation don’t count. Good thing too, as I’m a little embarrassed by how much we spent on the evening meal at the Mariott last Friday.
Poor Donna because the day after we arrived in Washington she came down with a sniffley, sneezey, coughing thing and she is just now getting over it. At first we though it might be an allergy to something out there because spring is in full bloom out there, but we are not too sure. I’m thinking it is something she got at work before we left because a couple other folks at work reported similar symptoms. She is pretty much over it now and I think how she managed to get rid of it was by giving it to me. I started with a slight sore throat on Saturday night and today I’m flirting with a runny nose and some body aches. Didn’t I already have this crap once before not to long ago?
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 176
I love TDPM, I still haven’t seen 2 or 3 though. I don’t think I could sit through them in the theater. Or home…too long and I have a short attention span these days.
Dead Man’s Chest is a pretty good movie and worth a view. At home on DVD is better because you can hit pause and use the head if need be. 🙂