Quirk glanced at Hawk and turned slowly and looked at me. His back was to the window now.
“Being a veteran police investigator, and a deep student of human character, I’m going to hazard a guess. You went to see Boots.”
“Incredible,” Hawk said.
“Yeah, it is,” Quirk said. “You hang him out a window.”
“Nope,” Hawk said. “I put a gun to his head.”
“Jesus Chirst,” Quirk said. “Boots Podolak?”
“That sort of how he felt,” Hawk said.
You know, now that I look at that, it would be a lot better in the whole context of the book. So go read “Cold Service” by Robert B. Parker.
Pretty sad huh, came here here looking for entertaining stories of my trials and tribulations and all you get is a book quote. Better luck tomorrow.
Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 70
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 70