Tonight, for our appetizer we polished off a box of Samoas. Mmm, tasty. Now I know why all those south Pacific islanders are so big in stature. with these cookies as their diet staple…
Do not watch The Departed if you are having spaghetti and red sauce for dinner. Very good movie otherwise.
We are getting a professional baseball team right here in Aiken. Don’t look for the name Aiken in the standings of your sports page though, we ain’t that big time, we are going to have a team in the South Coast League. Its short season ball, starting towards the end of May and finishing up in August. The team will not be affiliated with Major or Minor League Baseball, sort of the equivalent of off-off-broadway.
Last year when the South Coast League decided to put a franchise here in Aiken, they asked for team name suggestions from the general public. There were over a thousand of them. The league picked 5 and voting was opened up to pick the team name, your choices were: Blueticks, Boots, Chukkers, Foxhounds and Horseflies. Foxhounds came up the winner.
Now we are naming the mascot, can’t they just pick one? If this is all in an effort to curry goodwill with a locals, it might work for people who suggested the winning names, but it is just as likely to turn off the folks that vote for the “losing” names.
Anyway, if you would like to vote for the name of the person and their dog suit, go to the team’s home page by clicking the Foxhounds link in the paragraph above and choose between Ace, Fritter, “Hitch”cock, Hunter and Southpaw.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 60
Mmm Samoas..I think we still have one box left. We finished off one box of Do-Si-Dos too. Yum
We still have 3 boxes in the freezer (Samoas, Do-Si-Dos and Tagalongs) that will disappear in short order. And of course the Girl Scouts will be out in front the local grocery stores for the next month…Tomorrow I give a blood sample for a cholesterol test, I bet it is going to be higher than last check up’s.