When the Emperor got tapped last March the whole back end of the car had to be repainted to make sure the metallic paint blended and matched. This meant that the 5″ high vinyl sticker of Calvin & Hobbes that had been on the car since September of ’05 had to come off. I ordered a replacement and when it came in it was 6″ instead of the previous five, but I put it on rather try and deal anymore with the fellow who made it for me (let’s just say he was not the most reliable type.)
Almost ever since the day I put it on I felt it was a little too big and today I couldn’t stand it no more, so I removed it. As a consequence I updated my mod list to show it gone and added the cost of my recent dash statuette purchase. The back bumper of the car is naked again.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 11