Tunnel of Heat

Shift TurretThe 2 rubber shifter boots for the Emperor came on a big brown truck today. I was going to wait until Saturday, but I just couldn’t stand it. It only took 45 minutes to do the swap. Now we’ll see how well it knocks down the heat near the center console.

Tomorrow is Friday and it is summer helper Adam’s last day. As is usual we (me, the boss and the boss’s boss) will take him out to lunch, we’ll probably head over to the local Applebee’s. Any excuse to eat on the boss’s boss’s American Express card. I hope come Monday I’ll be able to stand the quiet. 🙂

Started up, went down, went up, back down, still down.
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Exit Only. Do Not Enter.

Exit OnlyWell, it worked, I’m going to blog about it. Augment the buzz if you will.

Watching the evening news Monday night I caught a bit of a story about NBC’s new show for fall, Studio 60 from West Wing producer Alan Sorkin. Part of building some pre-release hype they have decided to make DVDs of the pilot episode and you can rent them on Netflix. The interweb was all excited a week ago because somehow the pilot in 5 parts had mysteriously appeared on YouTube. It seems that just in time for the Netflix release, they were pulled for copyright infringement. Aaaah, marketing.

Anyway, on to the show. Typical Sorkin stuff; smart, witty and overlapping dialog. But for some reason it just didn’t connect, and maybe this is just me, but it seems like I’ve seen this all before. And maybe I have. Take one part West Wing and one part Sportsnight, stir gently…

It’ll be on Monday’s at 10:00 PM starting in September and as much as I would like to watch, I probably won’t. If anything, maybe I’ll rent the DVD’s next fall, ALA my current watching of “Lost.”

Started down, went up, still up.
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Back Again

CVSWe went to CVS again tonight. Different store from Sunday and different mission, but none the less, the highlight of my evening. Well…besides the Tater Tots and crab cakes for supper. And now that I think of it, the Law & Order rerun on TNT wasn’t bad either. OK, maybe the 15 DIBS I just finished were the high point for tonight. 🙂

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 314