If your workplace is anything like mine, it has been a veritable smorgasbord everyday since like Thanksgiving. Each year for the holiday season the company furnishes each department with a ham and a turkey to cook up and share. of course this prompts everyone in the department to bring in side dishes and desserts to go with this meal which is eaten in one of the conference rooms. Because Donna and I interact with several departments, we aren’t necessarily invited to eat lunch with them, but someone will always come through with a plate of leftovers for us, usually desserts.
Today was Turned Parts and we both got a bowl with a piece of chocolate cake and a chocolate & pecan candy thing. Mmmm. Late that afternoon I was delivering some updated paperwork to the Turned Parts supervisor when one of the women called me over and asked if I wanted a couple of sweets. I tried to refuse, but not wanting to hurt any body’s feelings I took three different items. First was a big hunk of that birds nest stuff (Chinese noodles covered in butterscotch fudge), second was a big pretzel covered in white chocolate and sprinkled with peanuts and thirdly was the item pictured.
Looks a little like some scallops on a skewer covered in cream sauce with a dusting of paprika, doesn’t it? Well, it is actually three marshmallows covered with white chocolate and decorated with red granulated sugar – on a stick! Maybe you’d love ’em, but, at least to me, it wasn’t that good. Not like that bird’s nest stuff, man that is tasty.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 515
I generally don’t mind any food that is sat before me, but I don’t think I could even eat marshmallows that looked like sushi.