Besides the normal weekly grocery shopping trip, we did a little Christmas shopping for ourselves and others. Plus some shopping for normal replacement wear. Amazing how quickly a couple hundred bucks can get added to a credit card.
Yesterday’s mail contained a couple niceties; 1) a Christmas mix CD from Andrea (thanks girl) and 2) a long lost box that I had given up on (that’s all I’ll say on that for now.)
The cold snap has abated and the temps have returned to normal so we got to ride around this afternoon with the top down. The down cycle meant for the first time since I’ve been keeping track of the top changes I’ve gone over the 500 mark.
I may not keep track of the top transitions next year. The main reason for that is, as I approach the 5 year anniversary of blogging, I’m tired of *having to* write something every night which causes a lot of filler posts (like this one) that I’m not to proud of. I say that, but if I didn’t do this every night what would I do with my time?
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 500
Glad you’re enjoying the music 🙂
On days I don’t post, I feel equally guilty as the days I post empty content. This is a just another example of the “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t” rule.