Regular readers know that while at work, Donna and I walk a couple laps around the parking lot at morning break, lunch and then again at afternoon break. Today on lap one in the morning I noticed a couple of what I thought were run over Tupperware containers. On lap two I had another glance and realized they weren’t Tupperware, but I wasn’t sure what they were, so we went over to check the things out. Whoa, now that is interesting, they look like jellyfish without tentacles that have washed up on the beach. I kicked one over with my foot and that is when I recognized exactly what they were.
You’d think somebody might come looking for these?
At our lunchtime walk they were still there, so I went in and got my camera to take these pictures because this was an event that was definitely blog-worthy. I started to show the photos around to some people. Needless to say this livened up our dull Friday afternoon before New Year’s weekend considerably. Speculation as to whose they might be was the main topic of conversation. Did they belong to someone who wanted a bit of enhancement? Were they prosthesis’s for some one who has had a double mastectomy? Did someone work as a female impersonator to supplement his meager ASCO earnings? Was there a transvestite among us? I wondered just how much they were worth, but research on this matter would probably be curtailed by the IT installed internet filters. Would the owner eventually realize they were missing and come back for them?
At around 2 o’clock I grabbed a small box and a rubber glove from the plant nurse and went out in the parking lot and retrieved the items. I brought the Box o’ Breasts into the Human Resources for them to place in the Lost and Found. The ladies there got a big kick out of my find and for whatever reason the male HR Manager wouldn’t get on the intercom and announce to the plant what had just been turned in. Good news is that if nobody claims them, after 30 days they’re mine!
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 522
Brian do they fit you ?
They fit just fine, but I’m going to need to buy a larger cup size in my bras from now on 😀
Well thank you very much. Now I have begun 2007 with one of my first thoughts being: How will he decide to uses these disgarded fake boobs as Miata accessories? Thank you VERY MUCH.
Relax, they won’t get on the Miata. If they did, I’d have to get a bras for the car and those will cause havoc with the paint if you don’t take a lot of extra care to make sure they are tight. Plus they have to be removed to dry if they get wet and I’m not very good with those hook clasp things.