Our Christmas box arrived today from Donna’s sister in Stuart, FL. While Donna was squeezing and analyzing the wrapped presents trying to determine just what might be inside the pretty paper, I was dancing around the house shouting, “My favorite pants are here! My favorite pants are here!” like Navin R. Johnson with the new phone book.
Harry Hartounian: Boy, I wish I could get that excited about nothing.
Navin R. Johnson: Nothing? Are you kidding? Page 73 – Johnson, Navin R.! I’m somebody now! Millions of people look at this book everyday! This is the kind of spontaneous publicity – your name in print – that makes people. I’m in print! Things are going to start happening to me now.
Are you as tired of penguins as I am? The ones in Madagascar practically made that movie, but then came March of the Penguins and this year’s Happy Feet. Tonight I even saw a Dawn dish liquid commercial about how they save mother penguins after oil spills, so they can go back to raising their babies. Enough! Take out your flightless black & white bird rage here: Yeti Batting Practice. Click once to make the penguin jump and then click again to make the Yeti swing.
For those of you who are not regular readers, Donna and I get our haircut every 4 weeks from a friend who owns her salon. Today was haircut day an on our way out tonight I spotted something on display that made me do a double take. As long as I’m on the whole relating life to movies kick…Remember in the movie M*A*S*H where everyone gathers around the woman’s shower tent and they are taking bets as to whether or not Major Hot Lips O’Houlihan is a natural blonde? Let’s just say that with modern technology she would have no worries about the truth now. Introducing – Betty Beauty.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 514
You have way too much free time.
Yeah, but at least I’m off the streets…