After a cold start the day warmed up nicely and the top stayed down from Savannah until we got to St. Simon’s Island.
We stopped in Savannah to look at the Roundhouse Railroad Museum. Very interesting place, but definitely a work in progress. Seeing as it only cost $4.25 per to get in we agreed that even though a lot of stuff is unfinished and you can’t get in any of the display railroad cars it still offered more bang for your buck than yesterday’s aquarium.
Lunch was a killer Greek salad and two slices of pizza at The Upper Crust in Richmond Hill, GA. Boy once you get 15 miles south of Savannah it is pretty much trailers and marsh along US17.
Saint Simon’s Island is kind of a quaint Hilton Head without all the golf course/plantation housing areas. It has a charm all it’s own and in what seems it’s best efforts are failing to hold on to it. There are creeping pockets of national chains of hotels and fast food with a lot of 3 story beach view blocking million dollar homes. We are staying at the Village Inn & Pub and it is nice and at this time of year quite empty, there are 5 cars in the parking area, counting the Emperor. With a recommendation to it from a co-worker and the desk clerk here, dinner was a small place called Barbara Jean’s. Good call. Food & service was excellent.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 471
Is that a pink elephant I see or is my cough medicine working really well 🙂
I was going to photoshop the other one pink too, but didn’t want to put all that effort into basically a throw away picture….