This is yesterday’s and today’s all wrapped in one because we got in at 12:30 last night (which is technically today) and it was too late to do anything but fall into bed at 1:00 AM (although it could be argued it was only 10:00PM west cost time.)
After breakfast on Wednesday we took a short walk along Tacoma’s waterfront (where today’s picture was taken) before hopping in the car to do some last minute sightseeing. We started out at Point Defiance Park and it’s views of the lower Puget Sound. We could have visited Fort Nisqually, a living history museum based on the Hudson’s Bay Company fur trading outpost built in 1833, but it didn’t open until 11:00 AM (it was only 9.) Or we could have visited the Camp 6 Logging Museum, set up to look and feel like a logging operation with an operating railroad, but it didn’t open until 10:00 AM. So we just drove the 5 mile loop through the part and headed towards the Glass Museum. As we battled the mid morning traffic a decision was made to table the Glass museum and just head for the airport, we did take the scenic route instead of I-5 and we ended up dropping off the rental at 11:30 with just an hour to go before we started boarding our plane home. Good thing we left that much time too, because security at SeaTac took a whole heck of a lot longer than at Charlotte. We did still have time to buy a couple books and wolf down a small pizza from Pallino Pastaria (it was actually quite good.)
Sebring Top Transitions since 09/29/06: 20
The flight home was not nearly as pleasant as the one out. We had already seen the movie, The Break-Up, and screaming babies echoed through out, including the 3-year old behind Donna who threw, basically, a 4-1/2 hour tantrum. We will be petitioning the airline to consider that all children under 7 be treated as animals, ie. caged and kept in the baggage compartment.
When we got to Charlotte we were treated to temperatures in the 70s (it was lucky to get to the middle 60s out west) and some humidity (which I never thought I’d miss) to go along with a nearly full moon for the drive home.
Today was sleep in, grocery shop, wash clothes, wash the car and one last big meal out (it was the MMC monthly meeting and we met at Olive Oils, a very nice Italian place here in town.)
I took a hundred and twenty-four pictures and I’ll be separating the wheat from the chaff this weekend and try and get a gallery of about 30 photos online.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 410
I don’t see why the airline can’t have a baby/children section behind a closed soundproof door. It could be at the back of the plane.