Back somewhere around 2000 I added some funky “Alley Gator” plastic teeth to the 95 Miata. When I traded the car in in November of 2003 I pulled the teeth out and gave them to a fellow Miata Clubber to use or trash as he saw fit. I also gave him the silly “Wabbit” teeth I bought in 2002 and had on the car for all of a month or so.
A couple three weeks ago some one on the Miata Forum was looking for a set of the rabbit teeth and I asked John if he still had them. Sure enough, they were still tucked away in a dusty corner of his garage. He gave them back to me and I mailed them off to the fellow for just the cost of postage. I guess while he had teeth on his mind John broke down and installed the alligator teeth on POS, his highly specialized race car (shown above in a recent hill climb event.)
That reminds me, it is October and Halloween is coming soon, time to put the vampire teeth on the Emperor.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 418
The vampire teeth are so cool.
Prominent plastic protuding canines installed…
I also put these teeth on my Miata, but then removed the bottom set because it looked too cartoonish. Now with only the top teeth, it looks more aggressive and shark-like, and I get compliments everywhere I go. Just an FYI.