They are right proud of their gas up there. My brother was all excited because the price of regular gas had just dropped under $3 a gallon to $2.98. I filled up the Miata tonight and if I could get away with regular it would have cost me $2.28 per.
The Marriott Hartford/Farmington is still living in the past. No Wi-Fi. High speed internet was available…for $10 a day! And just 12 channels on the TV, four different ESPNs, the big 4 networks, Weather, Golf, HBO and USA were the TV options. I can sort of understand it, the place is smack in the middle of an office park, so the traveling business guy lets his company pick up the 10 bucks for internet and could not care at all if HGTV is on the TV line-up. Wouldn’t matter anyway because there was no way to concentrate on anything because they were the host hotel for a soccer tournament and the joint was crawling with hyper active kids with zero parental supervision. The only pluses were the weekend rate wasn’t to bad and it was only 10 minutes from my mom’s house.
Speaking of family, mine definitely puts the dys in dysfunctional. I’m not sure anyone cooks at home up there, we ate out nearly every meal. Trying to get everyone to agree on where to go was like herding wildcats. And it is not like we are dealing with a lot of people here either, Donna & I, two; sister and husband, four; plus brother and mother equals six. We hadn’t visited in 2 years and after these 2 day I think we are set for another couple years before we need/want to go back.
The flying wasn’t so bad and the security wasn’t to intrusive. The whole liquid thing is weird, you have to put lotions, toothpaste, etc. in your checked luggage, no carry on. Of course once you get past the security checks into the terminals you can walk into most of those newsstand places and get small size lotions and stuff, the clerk will remind you that you can’t carry it on, but who’s to know if you put it in your pocket or purse. They don’t recheck your carry-ons again before boarding.
We rented a Sebring and it worked out pretty good. Saturday was mostly a washout, but we did get the top down quite a bit over the weekend. Including both the ride from the airport on Friday night and back to it on Monday morning. The car only had 6400 miles on it and it made a squeal and a thunk when starting off each morning. More disconcerting was the fact that a section of the top near the edge at a fold was already showing big-time wear.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 366
How can you have miata opening and closing on the roof whe you weren’t driving the miata. If you count sebring up and downs you have to reset the counter for the miata?
Gee in PA our gas is around 2.68 right now.
All those ups& downs were for the Miata on Monday after we picked it back up from the airport parking lot. If I had had internet at the Hotel I would have posted on Sat & Sun and would have made a little counter called “Sebring Top Transitions”.