Had a big ol’ post lamenting my web hosting search, but with all the Mozilla browser tab openings and closings I somehow dumped into the bit bucket – POOF – gone.
Without the time and energy to recreate it, you’ll just have to take my word for it, it was of absolutely no use to no one who wasn’t, like me, search for a web host.
Donna has suggested that I just chuck it all and go cold turkey, give up the whole blogging thing.
Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 372
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 372
Well, I’d sure hate to see the blog go away. I check it about on a daily basis …
I’m with Rick, don’t go!
Topsyt in Ohio says I am also with Rick-You two have become like family.
Ditto Rick’s comments for me also, but I understand. We’ll sure miss ya, big guy…
I can feel the love…
I’ve found a phone number which I will try tomorrow to see about the billing. If that fails I’ll bite the bullet and pick another host. You’ll just have to change your links from dot com to dot net.
I could go for a cold turkey on rye with spicy mustard.
(it was much funnier when it was just in my head.)
Just goes to prove that not all Ricks are funny.