If I had a really, really long telephoto lens and it wasn’t daytime, you could possibly see the ex-ninth planet in this photo.
For last weekend’s Bug Splat rally everyone places a green Avery dot on their car in hopes of winning the fabulous “Closest to the Dot” prize. I played along and put one on the front bumper on the driver’s side about headlight level, but splatted no insect anywhere near it. Raise your hand if you are still driving around with a green dot on your car. Just me then?
Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 345
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 345
Turns out I wasn`t the only one. Saturday (8/26) I removed my dot when I washed the car for the Sno-Cap Drive In annivesary thing. At the Cap later that day at least one other Club member`s car still sported that green dot on their nose…