1. Hey Brian,

    I hear ya. Last fall, I visited the Murphy USA (Wal-Mart gas) in Athens just after midnight. There wasn’t anyone around, but Wal-Mart was still open and the pumps were all lit up. I insert my card, select a $1.99 shot of Additech additive, and operate the pump as usual. At no time am I led to believe this station is closed. Empty yes, but I’ve been to many empty stations that still allow you to use a card and get gas. Anyway, I successfully obtained 20 cents and then the pump shuts off. I don’t think I even got my Additech, even though the woman that I saw the next day swore up and down that I did. Glad I wasn’t out of gas or something! How hard would it be to just have the credit card reader say “Sorry – closed” or something?

    Also, if you ever find yourself in Abbeville (which you should – it’s a wonderful place), the BP on 72 pulls similar fuel-teasing tactics after a certain hour. I think I got 50 cents’ worth one night at 1am.

    Oh, and nice blog you have here. I found it via Will Burnham’s Burnham-Down-The-House.

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