Donna and I got up early this morning and took a tandem ride. It was a very unsummer-like 65 degrees around sun up, perfect for a bit of exercise. I even wore a light jacket for the first part of the ride. As we rounded the next to the last turn on the way home Donna called out from the back that we had been 9.25 miles. I replied, “I can take a hint.” and turned right instead of left and made a little extra loop to put us over into double digits mileage-wise. Tomorrow the morning is supposed to be cool again, so we have a walk in Hitchcock Woods planned.
I’ve petitioned the Encyclopedia Britannica to place the above picture next to dork in it’s next edition. That’s me on the right. And I guess that it goes without saying, poor John Nichols, must be one too by association. The photo was taken just inside the festival grounds at the Ridge Peach Festival in Trenton, SC just after we had driven in the parade. I think I’m a bigger dork, because John doesn’t have Vampire Teeth on his car.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 210
I have a few shots that might be able to trump that one for dorkyness 🙂