Kicked over an envelope that FedEx tucked between the screen door and the front door on my way out to get the newspaper this morning.
Tonight I reinstalled WindowsXP back on the laptop. I’m downloading and installing the 47 “critical” updates that Microsoft has issued since Service Pack 2.
Next I’ll be downloading trial versions of various Mahjong games in search of a nice replacement for the game that came with the Vista Beta.
Started up, went down, back up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 215
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 215
Mahjong is deadly addictive 🙂
So far we have tried a half dozen different versions and none are as satisfactory as the one included with Vista. Seems like all of them try to hard to make the tiles and or backgrounds interesting and adding music and sounds that they end up so *busy* that they are not fun to play.
Hows Donna doing?
Pretty good for a chemo day…