My at-work spam count, that which is caught by the filters, has been hovering in the mid fifties, but in the last couple of days a half dozen or so of them have slipped by the filter and made it to my inbox. Various titles, from various internal spoofed email addresses and all with the same internal content.
It is of course riddled with extra characters in key words that the spam filters would catch. My favorite line is:
Receive the benefits and admiration that comes with a D:iploma!
Just how is a D:iploma different from a diploma, because I have a diploma and I don’t seem to get many benefits nor any admiration from having it.
But what worries me most, is there are probably hundreds of people out there that actually call the phone number at the bottom of the email…
…and that is because they don’t have a d:iploma 😉