A Beer & A Fudgesicle

After we finished up some yard work this evening and showered off, I was watching a little TV while enjoying a malt beverage. My wife decided that she wanted a fudgesicle, so as not to make me feel left out, brought me one too. Somehow I don’t think the fudgesicle will be replacing salted peanuts as America’s favorite bar snack soon.

When I talked with the last Allstate Claims drone I was informed that I would have to pick a body shop and tell them who it was before they would cut a check. The check would then be made out to both me and the body shop to protect the lien holder of the car, Amsouth Bank. This way I couldn’t just cash the check and not get the car fixed reducing the value of Amouth’s property, makes sense. I picked one of their recommended shops, Satcher Ford because I would get a lifetime warranty on the repair. Last Thursday I told Allstate who I picked. Well, I got the check in the mail from Allstate today, and it was made out just to me. I guess I could go ahead and get an undamaged trunk from the junkyard and have it painted, blending the metallic paint be damned and pocket seven or eight hundred dollars, but I won’t.

I got an email today from MLB.com:

Dear Valued Fan,

Thank you for sending your email.

We really appreciate your feedback and comments and have forwarded your email to the appropriate department.

Please feel free to call our toll-free Customer Support Hotline at 1-866-800-1275 for information or assistance. Thank you again for taking the time to write!

MLB.com Support

Was that in response to my April 1st email? Or the one on April 10th? I guess after paying all those players gazillions of dollars a year there isn’t much left over for actual customer service…

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 112