I was going to break down and wash the car tonight because we are in for a no-rain stretch, but decided against it. It would have been a waste. The pine pollen has really started to kick in the last couple of days. When it is this bad, you can wash the car, dry it off, and by the time you have coiled the hose up out of the way to drive the car into the garage, there is already a small dusting of yellow powder back on the car.
I just cleaned off the pollen using my “Ernest Brush.” That is a California Duster, but was nicknamed that by my wife after a former MMC member who used to bring one out whenever we took a break during Club driving events.
Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 81
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 81
When you get tired of pollen dusting try this game: I’ve only gotten up to 13 seconds. Caution Addictive !
Thanks, there’s a big chunk of my life I won’t get back. After about a dozen 0.347 times I did manage to get ove 11 secs…
12.75 seconds. I suppose it’s addictive in the way Pac-Man used to be to some people. (Oops — showing my age.)
It is also frustrationg for some…my wife quit after a couple minutes when the best she could manage was a shade over 6 seconds.