Erin Go Fountain

Erin Go FountainWe have a string of three horsey events here in my fair city which they like to call the Triple Crown. The past couple of years they have had a little “street fair” downtown on the Friday before the first event. This year it coincided with St. Patrick’s Day so they tossed some green dye in the fountain in the middle of the street. I sure hope that the cement of the fountain will clean up.

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 82

New Specs

I got my new glasses in this week. I’ve got 20-20 distance vision, but with experience comes presbyopia. They are from the Silhouette Titan Translucent Rimless Collection. Titanium eyeglasses with spring hinge skull and adjustable nose pads in Golden Taupe. Ooh-la-la.

I went to the Silhouette web site to get a photo to post and for the heck of it I tried out their Style Room Type Test. I answered a bunch of multiple choice questions and at the very end I was given 4 styles of frames that matched my “personality.” Lo and behold, the frames I bought were one of the four.


Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 82

“Spring” Training

We went out this evening and watched our friend’s kid play Little League Baseball. It was at the perfect time, 7:30, so we had time to eat before heading over. The game was played like most 11 to 12 year-old baseball is played, sometimes it looks like the sport should and others it looks like the Keystone Cops. Mostly what made it a little painful to watch was that after a weekend in the mid-80’s, the weather returned to normal and mid-50’s with 15-20 MPH winds seemed down right cold. Turns out it was just a scrimmage game, the season doesn’t start for a couple weeks yet, so we should have been in warmer Florida or Arizona for this game.