We have a string of three horsey events here in my fair city which they like to call the Triple Crown. The past couple of years they have had a little “street fair” downtown on the Friday before the first event. This year it coincided with St. Patrick’s Day so they tossed some green dye in the fountain in the middle of the street. I sure hope that the cement of the fountain will clean up.
Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 82
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 82
I love the green water. At one of our amusement parks last fall, they had the water dyed green for Halloween.
I guess I’m just easily amused.
Why not orange for Halloween?
My wife says they did the same thing last year, although I don’t remember it. So I guess the green doesn’t stain the fountain any because a few weeks ago it looked fine.