Something changed with my web host. All of a sudden the fancy post titles stopped working. When I try and go to the configuration page for the plugin I get this evil looking message:
FATAL: Your PHP installation does not support some key functions that this plugin requires. Talk to your hosting administrator about upgrading your PHP installation with GD and FreeType support.
I checked what the web host was running through cPanel and it seems like both those items are already running. I guess I should complain, but I just don’t have the motivation to try.
Is it just me or the reason Ford Motor Company is in trouble is because the head honcho, the guy in the commercials and on the cover of Newsweek, Bill Ford looks a lot like Al Gore.
As regular readers know, my wife and I are recent inductees in the cult that is “Lost” and while searching for an episode guide to see where last night’s ABC rerun fit into the scheme of things I found ABC’s official merchandise store for the show. Why, oh why, do they insist on putting the show’s logo on every item they sell (well that is a somewhat rethorical question) when it would be so much cooler if they just let the item stand by itself. Those in the know would immediately get it and those that didn’t and asked would get an impassioned sales pitch from an insider. And it they didn’t ask, they just aren’t hip enough to matter. I know that I would buy the Oceanic Bag as my laptop carry bag in a minute if it didn’t have the show’s logo on the front.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 32
Forget making PHP do the work – offload it to those useless users that come and browse your site without ever leaving a comment…
I implmented sIFR – for my post titles, and it’s been pretty great.
That is all.
What, you are not going to try and get support from their 5 star support team?Maybe is was an upgradation that went bad.
Andrew – Thanks for the tip, but that looks a little too hard for me to implement. “open the sifr.fla file which is included with the download” Open it with what? Some sort of Shockwave program?
Tom – I ain’t asking for nothing, I don’t want to be “intimated if there is any hereafter” by their team of “NOC Engineers.”